Common Integration Patterns

Common patterns and integrations of external systems, such as matchmakers, with GameServer starting, allocating and shutdown.

Matchmaker requests a GameServer from a Fleet

This is the preferred workflow for a GameServer, in which an external matchmaker requests an allocation from one or more Fleets using a GameServerAllocation.

Matchmaker requires game server process registration

A scenario in which a Matchmaker requires a game server process to register themselves with the matchmaker, and the matchmaker decides which GameServer players are sent to.

Canary Testing a new Fleet

Run a small Fleet for the new version of your GameServer to ensure it works correctly, before rolling it out to all your players.

Reusing Allocated GameServers for more than one game session

After a GameServer has completed a player session, return it back to the pool of Ready GameServers for reuse.

High Density GameServers

How to run multiple concurrent game sessions in a single GameServer process.

Allocating based on GameServer Player Capacity

Find a GameServer that has room for a specific number of players.

Last modified February 28, 2024: initial publish (7818be8)