Latency Testing with Multiple Clusters

When running multiple Code Blind clusters around the world, you may need to have clients determine which cluster to connect to based on latency.

To make latency testing easier, Code Blind installs with a simple ping service with both HTTP and UDP services that can be called for the purpose of timing how long the roundtrip takes for information to be returned from either of these services.


By default, Code Blind installs Kubernetes Services for both HTTP and the UDP ping endpoints. These can be disabled entirely, or disabled individually. See the Helm install guide for the parameters to pass through, as well as configuration options.

The ping services as all installed under the agones-system namespace.

HTTP Service

This exposes an endpoint that returns a simple text HTTP response on request to the root “/” path. By default this is ok, but it can be configured via the parameter.

This could be useful for providing clusters with unique lookup names, such that clients are able to identify clusters from their responses.

To lookup the details of this service, run kubectl describe service agones-ping-http-service --namespace=agones-system

UDP Service

The UDP ping service is a rate limited UDP echo service that returns the udp packet that it receives to its designated sender.

Since UDP sender details can be spoofed, this service is rate limited to 20 requests per second, per sender address, per running instance (default is 2).

This rate limit can be raised or lowered via the Helm install parameter

UDP packets are also limited to 1024 bytes in size.

To lookup the details of this service, run kubectl describe service agones-ping-udp-service --namespace=agones-system

Client side tooling

We deliberately didn’t provide any game client libraries, as all major languages and engines have capabilities to send HTTP requests as well as UDP packets.

Last modified February 28, 2024: initial publish (7818be8)