Quickstart: Create a Fleet Autoscaler with Webhook Policy
In some cases, your game servers may need to use custom logic for scaling your fleet that is more complex than what can be expressed using the Buffer policy in the fleetautoscaler. This guide shows how you can extend Code Blind with an autoscaler webhook to implement a custom autoscaling policy.
When you use an autoscaler webhook the logic computing the number of target replicas is delegated to an external
HTTP/S endpoint, such as one provided by a Kubernetes deployment and service in the same cluster (as shown in the
examples below). The fleetautoscaler will send a request to the webhook autoscaler’s /scale
endpoint every sync
period (currently 30s) with a JSON body, and scale the target fleet based on the data that is returned.
Chapter 1 Configuring HTTP fleetautoscaler webhook
It is assumed that you have completed the instructions to Create a Game Server Fleet and have a running fleet of game servers.
- Run a fleet
- Deploy the Webhook Pod and service for autoscaling
- Create a Fleet Autoscaler with Webhook policy type in Kubernetes using Code Blind custom resource
- Watch the Fleet scales up when allocating GameServers
- Watch the Fleet scales down after GameServer shutdown
1. Deploy the fleet
Run a fleet in a cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/fleet.yaml
2. Deploy a Webhook service for autoscaling
In this step we would deploy an example webhook that will control the size of the fleet based on allocated gameservers
portion in a fleet. You can see the source code for this example webhook server
The fleetautoscaler would trigger this endpoint every 30 seconds. More details could be found
also here.
We need to create a pod which will handle HTTP requests with json payload
and return back it
with FleetAutoscaleResponse
The Scale
flag and Replicas
values returned in the FleetAutoscaleResponse
tells the FleetAutoscaler what target size the backing Fleet should be scaled up or down to. If Scale
is false - no scaling occurs.
Run next command to create a service and a Webhook pod in a cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/autoscaler-webhook/autoscaler-service.yaml
To check that it is running and liveness probe is fine:
kubectl describe pod autoscaler-webhook
Name: autoscaler-webhook-86944884c4-sdtqh
Namespace: default
Node: gke-test-cluster-default-1c5dec79-h0tq/
Status: Running
3. Create a Fleet Autoscaler
Let’s create a Fleet Autoscaler using the following command:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/webhookfleetautoscaler.yaml
You should see a successful output similar to this:
fleetautoscaler.autoscaling.agones.dev "webhook-fleet-autoscaler" created
This has created a FleetAutoscaler record inside Kubernetes. It has the link to Webhook service we deployed above.
4. See the fleet and autoscaler status.
In order to track the list of gameservers which run in your fleet you can run this command in a separate terminal tab:
watch "kubectl get gs -n default"
In order to get autoscaler status use the following command:
kubectl describe fleetautoscaler webhook-fleet-autoscaler
It should look something like this:
Name: webhook-fleet-autoscaler
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={"apiVersion":
API Version: autoscaling.agones.dev/v1
Kind: FleetAutoscaler
Cluster Name:
Creation Timestamp: 2018-12-22T12:52:23Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 2274579
Self Link: /apis/autoscaling.agones.dev/v1/namespaces/default/fleet
UID: 6d03eae4-05e8-11e9-84c2-42010a8a01c9
Fleet Name: simple-game-server
Type: Webhook
Name: autoscaler-webhook-service
Namespace: default
Path: scale
Able To Scale: true
Current Replicas: 2
Desired Replicas: 2
Last Scale Time: <nil>
Scaling Limited: false
Events: <none>
You can see the status (able to scale, not limited), the last time the fleet was scaled (nil for never), current and desired fleet size.
The autoscaler makes a query to a webhoook service deployed on step 1 and on response changing the target Replica size, and the fleet creates/deletes game server instances to achieve that number. The convergence is achieved in time, which is usually measured in seconds.
5. Allocate Game Servers from the Fleet to trigger scale up
If you’re interested in more details for game server allocation, you should consult the Create a Game Server Fleet page. Here we only interested in triggering allocations to see the autoscaler in action.
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/gameserverallocation.yaml -o yaml
You should get in return the allocated game server details, which should end with something like:
gameServerName: simple-game-server-v6jwb-6bzkz
nodeName: gke-test-cluster-default-f11755a7-5km3
- name: default
port: 7832
state: Allocated
Note the address and port, you might need them later to connect to the server.
Run the kubectl command one more time so that we have both servers allocated:
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/gameserverallocation.yaml -o yaml
6. Check new Autoscaler and Fleet status
Now let’s wait a few seconds to allow the autoscaler to detect the change in the fleet and check again its status
kubectl describe fleetautoscaler webhook-fleet-autoscaler
The last part should look similar to this:
Fleet Name: simple-game-server
Type: Webhook
Name: autoscaler-webhook-service
Namespace: default
Path: scale
Able To Scale: true
Current Replicas: 4
Desired Replicas: 4
Last Scale Time: 2018-12-22T12:53:47Z
Scaling Limited: false
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal AutoScalingFleet 35s fleetautoscaler-controller Scaling fleet simple-game-server from 2 to 4
You can see that the fleet size has increased in particular case doubled to 4 gameservers (based on our custom logic in our webhook), the autoscaler having compensated for the two allocated instances. Last Scale Time has been updated and a scaling event has been logged.
Double-check the actual number of game server instances and status by running:
kubectl get gs -n default
This will get you a list of all the current GameServers
and their Status > State
simple-game-server-dmkp4-8pkk2 Ready 7386 minikube 5m
simple-game-server-dmkp4-b7x87 Allocated 7219 minikube 5m
simple-game-server-dmkp4-r4qtt Allocated 7220 minikube 5m
simple-game-server-dmkp4-rsr6n Ready 7297 minikube 5m
7. Check downscaling using Webhook Autoscaler policy
Based on our custom webhook deployed earlier, if the fraction of allocated replicas in whole Replicas count would be less than threshold (0.3) then the fleet would scale down by scaleFactor, in our example by 2.
Note that the example webhook server has a limitation that it would not decrease fleet replica count under minReplicasCount
, which is equal to 2.
We need to run EXIT command on one gameserver (Use IP address and port of the allocated gameserver from the previous step) in order to decrease the number of allocated gameservers in a fleet (<0.3).
nc -u 7220
Server would be in shutdown state. Wait about 30 seconds. Then you should see scaling down event in the output of next command:
kubectl describe fleetautoscaler webhook-fleet-autoscaler
You should see these lines in events:
Normal AutoScalingFleet 11m fleetautoscaler-controller Scaling fleet simple-game-server from 2 to 4
Normal AutoScalingFleet 1m fleetautoscaler-controller Scaling fleet simple-game-server from 4 to 2
And get gameservers command output:
kubectl get gs -n default
simple-game-server-884fg-6q5sk Ready 7373 minikube 5m
simple-game-server-884fg-b7l58 Allocated 7766 minikube 5m
8. Cleanup
You can delete the autoscaler service and associated resources with the following commands.
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/autoscaler-webhook/autoscaler-service.yaml
Removing the fleet:
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/fleet.yaml
Chapter 2 Configuring HTTPS fleetautoscaler webhook with CA Bundle
Using TLS and a certificate authority (CA) bundle we can establish trusted communication between Fleetautoscaler and an HTTPS server running the autoscaling webhook that controls the size of the fleet (Replicas count). The certificate of the autoscaling webhook must be signed by the CA provided in fleetautoscaler yaml configuration file. Using TLS eliminates the possibility of a man-in-the-middle attack between the fleetautoscaler and the autoscaling webhook.
1. Deploy the fleet
Run a fleet in a cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/fleet.yaml
2. Create X509 Root and Webhook certificates
The procedure of generating a Self-signed CA certificate is as follows:
The first step is to create the private root key:
openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 2048
The next step is to self-sign this certificate:
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.pem
This will start an interactive script that will ask you for various bits of information. Fill it out as you see fit.
Every webhook that you wish to install a trusted certificate will need to go through this process. First, just like with the root CA step, you’ll need to create a private key (different from the root CA):
openssl genrsa -out webhook.key 2048
Next create configuration file cert.conf
for the certificate signing request:
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
req_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
CN = autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc
keyUsage = digitalSignature
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc
Generate the certificate signing request, use valid hostname which in this case will be autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc
as Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name)
as well as DNS.1
in the alt_names
section of the config file.
Check the Kubernetes documentation to see how Services get assigned DNS entries.
openssl req -new -out webhook.csr -key webhook.key -config cert.conf
Once that’s done, you’ll sign the CSR, which requires the CA root key:
openssl x509 -req -in webhook.csr -CA rootCA.pem -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out webhook.crt -days 500 -sha256 -extfile cert.conf -extensions v3_req
This would generate webhook.crt certificate
Add secret which later would be mounted to autoscaler-webhook-tls pod.
kubectl create secret tls autoscalersecret --cert=webhook.crt --key=webhook.key
You need to put Base64-encoded string into caBundle field in your fleetautoscaler yaml configuration:
base64 -i ./rootCA.pem
Copy the output of the command above and replace the caBundle field in your text editor (say vim) with the new value:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/webhookfleetautoscalertls.yaml
vim ./webhookfleetautoscalertls.yaml
3. Deploy a Webhook service for autoscaling
Run next command to create a service and a Webhook pod in a cluster:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/autoscaler-webhook/autoscaler-service-tls.yaml
To check that it is running and liveness probe is fine:
kubectl describe pod autoscaler-webhook-tls
Wait for the Running status results:
Name: autoscaler-webhook-tls-f74c9bff7-ssrsc
Namespace: default
Status: Running
4. Create a Fleet Autoscaler
Let’s create a Fleet Autoscaler using the following command (caBundle should be set properly on Step 2):
kubectl apply -f ./webhookfleetautoscalertls.yaml
5. See the fleet and autoscaler status.
In order to track the list of gameservers which run in your fleet you can run this command in a separate terminal tab:
watch "kubectl get gs -n default"
6. Allocate two Game Servers from the Fleet to trigger scale up
If you’re interested in more details for game server allocation, you should consult the Create a Game Server Fleet page. Here we only interested in triggering allocations to see the autoscaler in action.
for i in {0..1} ; do kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/gameserverallocation.yaml -o yaml ; done
7. Check new Autoscaler and Fleet status
Now let’s wait a few seconds to allow the autoscaler to detect the change in the fleet and check again its status
kubectl describe fleetautoscaler webhook-fleetautoscaler-tls
The last part should look similar to this:
Fleet Name: simple-game-server
Type: Webhook
Service: <nil>
URL: https://autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc:8000/scale
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal AutoScalingFleet 5s fleetautoscaler-controller Scaling fleet simple-game-server from 2 to 4
You can see that the fleet size has increased in particular case doubled to 4 gameservers (based on our custom logic in our webhook), the autoscaler having compensated for the two allocated instances. Last Scale Time has been updated and a scaling event has been logged.
Double-check the actual number of game server instances and status by running:
kubectl get gs -n default
This will get you a list of all the current GameServers
and their Status > State
simple-game-server-njmr7-2t4nx Ready 7330 minikube 1m
simple-game-server-njmr7-65rp6 Allocated 7294 minikube 4m
8. Cleanup
You can delete the autoscaler service and associated resources with the following commands.
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/autoscaler-webhook/autoscaler-service-tls.yaml
Removing x509 key secret:
kubectl delete secret autoscalersecret
Removing the fleet:
kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/googleforgames/agones/release-1.38.0/examples/simple-game-server/fleet.yaml
Note that secure communication has been established and we can trust that communication between the fleetautoscaler and the autoscaling webhook. If you need to run the autoscaling webhook outside of the Kubernetes cluster, you can use another root certificate authority as long as you put it into the caBundle parameter in fleetautoscaler configuration (in pem format, base64-encoded).
Troubleshooting Guide
If you run into problems with the configuration of your fleetautoscaler and webhook service the easiest way to debug them is to run:
kubectl describe fleetautoscaler <FleetAutoScalerName>
and inspect the events at the bottom of the output.
Common error messages.
If you have configured the wrong service Path for the FleetAutoscaler you will see a message like
Error calculating desired fleet size on FleetAutoscaler simple-fleet-r7fdv-autoscaler. Error: bad status code 404 from the server: https://autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc:8000/scale
If you are using a hostname other than autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc
as the
Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name)
when creating a certificate using openssl
tool you will see a
message like
Post https://autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc:8000/scale: x509: certificate is not valid for any names, but wanted to match autoscaler-tls-service.default.svc
If you see errors like the following in autoscaler-webhook-tls
pod logs:
http: TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate
Then there could be an issue with your ./rootCA.pem
You can repeat the process from step 2, in order to fix your certificates setup.
Next Steps
Read the advanced Scheduling and Autoscaling guide, for more details on autoscaling.
If you want to use your own GameServer container make sure you have properly integrated the Code Blind SDK.
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Last modified February 28, 2024: initial publish (7818be8)